Hi! My name is Nicholas. I am a web and Android developer.

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I am a recently graduated computer science student from California State University, Los Angeles. I have a great interest in all things Android and web. Presently, I am building an Android Bluetooth application that raises and lowers skylights by communicating with a Raspberry Pi. Prior to this, I built a Vue.js web app that uses the LastFM API to search for songs and artists.

I assisted in developing an anomaly injection and detection software for the open source satellite programming platform OpenSatKit. OpenSatKit and its anomaly software is programmed in C/C++, Java, Ruby, and Python. This project aimed to increase satellite adaptability and reliability by running software capable of detecting anomalies in the core flight software. My team and I considered anomalies stemming from environmental, programming, and other smaller and miscellaneous factors.

From 2019 to 2021, I was a full stack developer of an Android application named Partem that allows users to share expenses for any occasion. I architected and developed some of the backend API and programmed the app interface provided to me by the design team. Additionally, I programmed network calls to the server API. Partem was built using Kotlin, Node.js, Android Jetpack and ExpressJS. This application uses MySQL as a datastore.

In my own time, I keep myself updated with the latest software through reading and hobby projects. My projects typically begin on Android or Linux (on a Raspberry Pi), although, I do program on Windows if the need arises.

On rare occasion, I assemble electronic circuits to meet the needs of my projects.

Interested? Have a look at my resume.


An Android application to wirelessly operate a skylight. This application is capable of positioning a skylight anywhere from completely closed to fully open. It also makes use of Android's Bluetooth low energy (BLE) API to be as energy efficient as possible. The backend of this app is built using a Raspberry PI, another low consumption device.
  • Kotlin
  • Android
  • BLE
  • Raspberry PI
  • GitHub
An Android application for splitting expenses for any occasion between any number of people. Invite friends to private groups where percentage-based or exact values may be assigned to members by group moderators. This app also allows group moderators to set optional deadlines for payments.
  • Kotlin
  • Android
  • Jetpack
  • ExpressJS
  • REST
  • SQL
  • GitHub
A web application used to query the LastFM database for information on songs, artists, albums, and anything else music related. This app uses LastFM's web API to retreive information like play count, genre, release date, album, artist, and more.
  • JavaScript
  • Vue.JS
  • LastFM
  • Custom Components
  • Node music app
  • GitHub
A native Android mobile app that shows off some neat OpenGL ES shaders. This app is written with the Kotlin programming language and Android's new UI toolkit; Jetpack Compose. This app is a demo of cool geometric digital art, initially intended to test out the capabilities of the Jetpack Compose UI API. Additionally, it bridges the gap between Android's old view-based UI system and the new Compose toolkit.
  • Kotlin
  • Android
  • Jetpack Compose
  • OpenGL ES
  • Play Store
  • GitHub




My inbox is open for any inquiries, opportunites, or collaborations.